Saturday, April 3, 2010

BabyDoll on a trail ride

Sharing about BD's first trailer to trail ride. Every 4-5 days I have been taking BD on a block ride, then when we come back we spend a few minutes in the arena refining basic maneuvers. Decided she was ready for her first trailer ride to a new area trail ride. Invited a friend over and she rode Tessa, BD's dam. We saddled up and trailered to a spot just down the road. BD was calm and easy going about the trip. Because of the ground, I walked her for just a bit. When we got to the nice sandy ground, hoped on and started riding. We basically walked with a little bit of jogging here and there to stay up with Tessa. She did very well on her first creek crossing. I was very happy with her calm attitude about being in a completely new place. And even better (yep it gets better) She showed a bit of understanding that I desired her to walk in a straight manor with light rein contact to change her direction.

She was a little tired toward the end of the ride and the creek crossing coming back I had to get on her case a little to get her to cross, which upset her. Then the puppy unexpectedly rustled some brush behind her and she tossed in a crowhop :-(, so I got on her case lightly again. Now you can think negative or think positive. I would rather think positive, took a deep breath and let it go. Encouraged and allowed her to go back to a positive state so when we arrived back at the trailer she was in a happy to have gone trail riding mood.

The think to take from this is that a bad moment can be let go. Allow yourself to come back to a positive mood will allow your horse to find their good feeling again also.