Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentine and how she got her name

The weather was perfect for my day to pickup the mustang. My mustang was ready, a 3 yr old black filly. They put her in the shoot and asked if I would like a halter and lead rope on her, I said sure, the nice little filly didn't even try to bite when the BLM person put the halter. I enjoyed the opportunity to run my hands down her neck and back. She was like what is going on, not very afraid of being touched at all.

So in the trailer she went. On the drive back to Colorado she startled me the first time she moved her nose to touch my hand. But she got pretty relaxed with the idea of the trailer and me poking my head in.

We arrived at Los Pinos Equestrian Center in good time. By closing some openings we where able to let her move from the trailer to her new pen in a calm easy manner. The gals at the barn where instrumental in giving Val her new name. As we stood around admiring the nice looking beauty we tossed around names. We quickly settled on Valentine. The next 2 days where all about letting her settle into her new area.

Day 3, was all about convincing Valentine to let me touch her. We worked for several hours before she decided to allow me to touch her all over her left side. Then later I got an email from Marlene,

Valentine has mostly startled away when I've fed and would tentatively turn back while I stand there. But tonight, she was totally different – almost started taking the hay out of my hands before I dropped it and she stood right there and started eating while I watched. So your work today had a big impact!

Marlene Moss

Wahoo! we are on our way.

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