Saturday, January 7, 2012

My favorite quote.  Albert Einstein Quotes. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Finding someone to ride with can be a chore.  The worst.  Personalities have to mesh between horses and riders.  But I have found it is very worth the time and effort.  There are always a luck few :-) who seem to magically improve without a riding instructor. The rest of us?  Takes time and energy to improve.  If you are just doing the same thing you have done before you are not improving.  Improving means you are learning, trying new ideas, even chucking new ideas that don't work. 

Why this quote? every time I start riding by myself for to long I fall back into bad habits, the definition of insanity,  How about you?  What is your definition of insanity statement?

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