Saturday, February 20, 2010

Talking of Horses

Was at a really neat meeting the other night, a Mustang Support Group. These folks are putting together some people to help and support mustang owners. While at the meeting one of the people talked about her 2 mustangs, move out down the trail, ready to go, ready to spook at the twitch of an ear, good moving cattle, boy she could have been describing my 2 quarter horses. She also talked about a quarter horse a friend gave her, steady, stops to look at spooky stuff, good moving cattle, a real match for the mustang of the person setting next to her.

Turns all breeds of horses have horses of all temperaments. Just because a horse is a Quarter horse doesn't mean they are calm and steady. Just because a horse is an Arabian doesn't mean they are flighty and spooky. Writing of Arabians, my neighbor, who is 89!, has two Arabs she uses for trail riding and dressage lessons.

When looking at horses take a look at each individual horse. Really think about any disciplines you hope to enjoy with your horse. I dislike admitting it but its the rare mustang that will make a top barrel horse. I have seen a few mustangs make good all around gymkhana horses. Outside of a few distinct events you will find many different breeds can compete at entry to intermediate levels of your chosen discipline.

So why am I writing this, guess it just struck me as funny that 2 spooky mustangs matched 2 quarter horses and 1 non spooky mustang matched a non spooky quarter horse.

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