Thursday, March 11, 2010

Need arena time? think outside the box

Sometimes you just have to think outside the box to get something done. Tessa needed arena time to move forward. She did great getting in basic shape by going down the road. It was time to do more cantering and turning, which wasn't working so great going down the road. With winter still lingering, I looked hard for some indoor arena time. Talked to more than one person :-) and came across the information that during the barrel races both local indoors offer a $10 30 minute ride time after the race. Doesn't sound great does it? Except you are allowed to start riding when the arena opens, about an hour before the race, stand around and watch the races, then you get another 30 minutes of ride time. For around an hour and a half of ride time for $10. Actually pretty nice :-). So started hauling Tessa to the indoors on barrel racing nights and days and we are getting our arena time in.

and a side benefit? Tessa is getting used to different arenas, she is much better about walking in a new arena and paying attention to her rider.

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